Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A Bit Manic, Today

Actor Crush of the Day: Hugh Jackman.

Which has allowed me to actually do some useful things.

Still, I am aware of the pitfalls, which are many. I'm trying not to feel guilty, though, for enjoying the bubbling enthusiasm I feel.

At the moment, I feel like I could climb any mountain set in my path. Except maybe the one of being "over" this illness. That just doesn't happen, but we are working towards a degree of mental health that will hopefully be beyond just being somewhat functional.

This Arctic Cold that has settled in Utah is just . . . . freezing my soul, it feels like! It feels as though it is freeze-drying my heart down to Grinch-ey proportions.

It's not easy being Green.

Tee Hee!

Dag-Nabbit! Now that Whoville song is in my head, and I'll be OCD-repeating it all night. Which is worse than the usual something-gets-stuck-in-your-head, thing.

Da-voo door-ay, Da-voo door-ay, welcome, welcome Christmas Day . . . . . .


Well, the giddy silliness that often rides along with the mania is in full force, as you can see.

A bit of green fur, to ward off the cold, would be welcome about now.

Shiver my timbers, I'm cold!!!!!

Time to stuff the towel under the front door. That draft is killer.

As you can see, my thoughts are leaping around from thing to thing, in a disjointed manner. That is part and parcel, as well.

Parcel! That makes me wish for a load O'Christmas presents in the mail. Even though there'd be no reason to think there'd be any! Man, my mania is just running away with me.

I feel, and hope, that my kind of "free-associating" typing whatever is coming to me, right now, kind of shows you a little bit of how the mania feels and jerks me around.

Now I have an image of being tethered to the end of a rope, and being swung around in a wide circle on the ice, sliding around and around. Wheeee!

Mebbe I'd better stop, before I embarass myself further.

I wonder if the Grinch is the Hulk's unwanted love child? (My brain used the "bastard" word . . . just so's you know how my brain works, in this state. Utah. Lol.)


Anonymous said...

I made it online today after all. I like free associations. I do think that the incredible hulk is too sweet to have a mean ol' grinch lol.

Beck said...

You're funny when you're like this! It's refreshing.

Hey. I wore my birthday necklace to work today, and I got LOTS of compliments! Everyone kept asking if I had made it. I had to tell them that you did, and that I'd gotten you hooked. That got some laughs, because I work with several beaders, and they KNOW what it's like to be hooked!

LizzieDaisy said...

The grinch being the hulk's unwanted love child... thanks for the laugh. That's funny! :)

You made Bek a bd necklace? How sweet! You're so nice. I hope Bek enjoyed her bd. I need to get over there too. Though I'm thinking that was awhile ago? Hm. My brain on Stupamax is just well, stupid. I can't remember my name much less someone's bday that I actually don't really know.

Hope you have a great day Sara!

And does it REALLY get cold there? Probably. It's been like 5 here. And we're due for 5-8 inches, at least, tonight. The kids are psyched.