Saturday, November 19, 2005

Chemical Soup & Chocolate Milk (Doesn't that sound yummy?)

Actor Crush of the Day: Christopher Lee (in his younger days, but he doesn't have to be TOO young; I've been watching Airport '77)

I've been having a rough time and I appreciate all the kindness I have received. Thank you, it really helps ALOT. The littlest things can really mean so much, because someone took the time to THINK of them, and do them, instead of assume it wouldn't mean much, or assume that I'm already getting plenty of those kind gestures.

I've gone from feeling melancholically morose, to being full of anger and wanting to push back, at anything and everything. Very edgy, agitated, and irritable. I had been wondering if a manic phase was coming on . . . and this may be it. Not the anger itself, of course, that is related to so many things, but just everything with how I'm feeling right now, it feels manic in the agitated instead of euphoric way. UGH. Or maybe even mixed, which is WORSE. Ah, well.

I just keep stirring the chemical soup pot in my mind, and holding my nose with a clothespin until it starts to smell better.

Now THERE's a vivid analogy for you. Lol!! Wonder what the ologist will say of it. He'll probably grin!

On another note, I actually cooked for the 2nd time in two weeks; these are the first time's I've cooked in months. So that's a positive sign. An egg noodle-broccoli-mushroom (canned) garlic-and thyme thing, it's a side dish but we eat it as a main. And it's easy.

On a comPLETEly unrelated subject, does anyone else like their chocolate milk really weak, like I do? I like it about half white/half choc milk, if it's choc milk from a jug. I mix them. Or even 60/40, with the 60 being white. Enough to taste that there's chocolate, or some days a strong HINT of chocolate, without it being too sweet/thick like the full strength can be sometimes.


Beck said...

Straight up, for me! Mmmm... chocolate milk... so thick and sweet....

But then, I like thick drinks. Original Sunny Delight, Buttermilk, Jamba Juice... I'd drink Half and half plain if I knew I wouldn't gain 80 pounds.

Holly said...

I don't like chocolate milk at all. I think it has to do with the fact that I have hard time drinking milk and since I can't have chocolate after 2:00 P.M., it would do me no good to drink it anyway. Now if you gave me a thick vanilla or strawberry shake, I would eat those in a heartbeat. Yum! Yum!

Sarebear said...

OOOooo! Jamba Juice! YOU got me hooked on that, with the mug and GC the one year. Hee!

And I could go for a strawberry shake right now too . . . Cheers, Holly!

(Okay, is this an omen? My word verification is "unbmw". Does that mean I'll never own one? Hee!)

David B. said...

I like both my chocolate milk, and my egg nog at 50/50 with regular milk. I like the taste better, and it gives you twice as much to enjoy!