Monday, February 12, 2007

Eek! Elevated Liver Tests!!!


I actually have a really good post about getting my annual physical (no details, although I will discuss some stuff; I hate pelvic exams, too, owie.)

But, we almost didn't do any labs, it seemed kind of an afterthought, but I said, "Yeah, I have no idea what my cholesterol is, let's do some labs!" He agreed and decided to do a couple different ones.

Let's see, this thing I got in the mail today reports back on the following:

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Lipid Profile
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (cont) (cause there was more than could fit on one row)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (cont) (cause there was more than could fit on 2 rows)
CBC With Diff, plus two more rows (cont)

Anyway it lists various test results on each row, within the category or whatever.

At the top of this sheet of results, it says, "Elevated liver tests (AST and ALT) - otherwise all labs are completely normal. I recommend recheck of liver tests in 3-6 months and further evaluation if they are higher. Quite often mild elevations are caused by medications you are taking."

Well, so it freaked me out to read the first three words of that . . . .

On the other hand, it sounds like the reported levels are MILD, so there's not huge cause for concern; 3-6 months is a ways off, anyway. I'm wondering if the doc was waiting for me to get this report before discussing the elevated result with me, or if the comments up top are all he wanted to relate . . . I can always call him, I guess, although it doesn't sound like there's any more to find out, for now . . .

It sounds like he doesn't know if/that/whether a specific med I'm on may cause this. I don't know if Neurontin or Effexor XR can have this effect on the liver . . . .

Still, I'm a bit FREAKED out. I figure when I discuss it tomorrow in therapy, the above thoughts and conclusions (aside from still being freaked out) are things my ologist will agree with or come up with as well.

Still freaked, tho. Lol.


Anonymous said...

Alpha lipoic acid is very good for the liver. You may want to look into it.

Dr. Deb said...

It is scary when you first get tests results like this.