Friday, October 05, 2007

Bringing Attention to Mental Health Issues - I AM HI

Actor Crush of the Day: Pierce Brosnan & Ewan McGregor - Cause how could a gal be expected to choose between them? Today, anyway!

Visions of luscious British Isles eyecandy (although it's the voice, too) aside, I've got some bravery to report.

Firstly, the local news radio station is KSL 1160, associated with the TV station KSL channel 5. Today the Movie Show they do on Fridays, with one of my favorite newsradio people to listen to, Doug Wright, was broadcasting near one of our morning errands today, so we popped in to the Seagull Book store to see 'em.

I felt kind of foolish walking in to a store with a van with flashing lights out front, but in we went. They were at the back of the store, doing their thing, and it was cool to hear and see them in person, although very strange when they were obviously speaking with a call-in person, as we couldn't hear that component. They had a drawing going for various smaller prizes, as well as for a beautifully framed art print of the Savior.

We noodled around a bit, looking through the books (this is a book store that caters to the LDS (Mormon) faith, and at that, does so at discount (sometimes steep) prices. There are books here that you'd find in regular bookstores, as well. I was looking through some of these, particularly a gorgeous coffee-table book (though on the small side, as that type of book goes) of National Park pictures; oh, such stunning vistas, formations, features, and seasons!!

They eventually wrapped up the show with the prize drawing, and then I approached the table. I addressed Doug, and he stood up, leaned forward, and shook my hand, asking my name. While I was answering I was thinking, "Wow, his face is HUGE." Maybe an odd thing to think, but there you go. And it was. Big face, I mean. He smiled at me, and it took up his whole face and made it bigger. So that's why I thought that, anyway.

Awkwardness aside I mentioned how I had talked to him about 18 months ago on-air when he had the governor on, that I had spoken about mental health issues, and that I certainly didn't expect him to remember me but wondered if he did? He didn't seem to, so I kept going by having a short discussion with him about maybe doing some shows on Mental Health issues, and how the broken system turns away people who have no options to get better or improve, without treatment. He also said something about how if we can't even get CHIP to pass, what chance does mental health have? I agreed, although didn't realize the CHIP thing was vetoed until I came home and saw it online. I had mentioned in general the various bills in front of Congress, and such, and that I think it'd be great if they could do some shows on those.

SO, just think of me as the awareness fairy, sprinkling increased awareness of mental health issues pixie dust, wherever I roam . . . .

Get out your wands, and spread the IAMHI pixie dust. It's free, and it's sparkley (in my mind, so appropo), and it's good for society. Zero calories, fat, or carbohydrates. It makes you feel goooooood . . . . . if someone asks you what you are doing, just tell them, "I AM HI*"

*Note: Perhaps not to a cop or doctor. Hee hee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go!