Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Your boots have decayed because of scurvy."

Bwa ha ha haha.

My husband was playing a free online pirate MMO that he likes, and they incorporate item decay into the game. When something decays, it pops up a message with a reason for the decay, although he complains that things decay too fast.

Well, as the post title says, he got a particularly ridiculous reason for his virtual nautical boots to decay, and I just couldn't help but post the absurdity of it here for your amusement . . . . .

Should you ever find yourself in a scurvious (not a word, heh) situation, please watch out for your footwear!

Oh yes, he also became suitably nervous for his ship's welfare when he dredged up a treasure chest that contained, among other things, a Kraken-Repellant Necklace . . . . .


Anonymous said...

I like your Bwa Ha ha haha! post. Mom

Anonymous said...

I always like your sense of humor! My mom and I are not home so I am using a different computer. I don't know when or if I will return. We are doing okay although it is so hard and there are so many mixed emotions. We are planning to go to therapy to sort this out. I will spare details. I am in a safe place. I hope this finds ou doing well. I won't be accessing my regular email just to let you know. I didn't want to just disappear. I will most likely touch base down the road. Lots of love, Barb