Sunday, April 30, 2006

NAMI Grading the States 2006 (A Report on America's Health Care System for Serious Mental Illness)

Actor Crush of the Day: Matthew Fox! Cause he is. Hee!

Click the title to follow the link. Then, click YOUR particular state, to see your state's "grade" in the arena of mental health spending, resources, information, services, etc.

I live in a grade D state. Eeee!

I found this on Dr. Deborah Serani's Blog.

I found her blog through Damn I Hate Being Depressed's blog.

My knee bone connects to the thigh bone, my thigh bone connects to the . . . .

Oh wait, where were we? Hee hee. Please pardon my giggling. I'm really more adult than I may seem at the moment. Being up at 2:30 am is bound to do that to a person.

There's alot of good mental health links in Dr. Deb's sidebar, which I'll be taking a look into. As well as reading her posts, and linking to them from time to time as I see pertinent information. There's a lot of it, there, but then, there would be, given the focus of her blog.

On another note, my dear daughter caught what's been going around, and so, it seems, has my husband. We're up finishing the third Lord of the Rings movie, since we get to sleep in tomorrow (with sickos in the house, we won't be at 9am church).

Take a look at the Hmmm T-shirts-for-mental-disorders post while you are at it . . . I did have a chuckle at several of the shirts, but then I thought about if I was actually wearing some of those, that apply to me, and did I think it would promote more understanding and acceptance of the mentally ill, or promote more stereotypes? And, while I decided that perhaps seeing people wearing this sort of thing about, might lead to some form of some kind of increased acceptance (although it might not be such a positive form), in the end I think it would just create and/or rigidify stereotypes in people's minds.

Somewhere far down in the comments of that post, I posted about some shirts I have, one of which has Grumpy, of the Seven Dwarves on the front, and in big, 70's-ish letters, "MOODY". And why that was so positive for me.


Dr. Deb said...

I love your blog too. I will link you to mine as well. I like all the cute things you have like the flooble shuffle, the Daily Toon and the QVC card post. That made me LOL. I love QVC and buy things there alot during the year.


annegb said...

I'm e-mailing this to myself to study to use as I gripe to the governor about my recent experience.

Sarebear said...

you know the governor? Cool! Or maybe you are just emailing his office. I dunno, but really pound it in as much as you can! you can tell him you have a friend, who had nowhere to turn. I HAD nowhere to turn for many years, and was turned away from the county mental health system, because they only accept certain funding sources (and wouldn't tell me what they were, but out of pocket, no, they used to have a sliding fee scale years ago, bu tnot anymore; I'm guessing it was medicare/medicaid only and stuff, or something. Or Social Security disability and stuff).

THERE IS NOWHERE for people like me to turn for mental health services. NONE. AT. ALL.

So, er, um there's something else you can tell him, while you have his ear. Hee.

Anonymous said...

I love Dr. Deb's blog too and found out about it from Jame's link at his blog just like you. I have even told a good friend about that blog as he has been through the worst trauma of anyone I ever met growing up. He was able to serve a mission for the LDS Church. He did not really have the energy to heal from his abuse until he took anti-depressants. He is an inspiration and always tries to help people to get help so I was giving him an added resource.

I am not sure about those t-shirts. On the plus side, it is better to have things in the open rather than be too ashamed to talk about them. I like it when friends and family joke about my disorder sometimes if they do it in a way that makes me feel accepted. Even without my disorder, my dad likes me to play his "monkey girl" a lot.

Sorry you have some "sickies" in your house. I hope you stay well and they Get well soon!