Monday, March 10, 2008

Square Meal, & a Not So "Square" Grandfather

Square food is tasty
Originally uploaded by shookiemookie
I live in a desert, a watermelon could sure qualify as a meal around here, sometimes!

They do have the regular round/oval variety in Japan, but they grow them square for a higher price/ease of shipping/ease of storage/convenience for the consumer, should they want to pay the price.

Sure looks funny, though! I want to know if they grow the yellow innards watermelon square, too? Tastes just like the red, but your eyes keep telling you that you should be tasting something different.

I just thought I should post something, since it's been a stretch.

There's been a couple deaths in the family; my maternal grandfather, and one week later, an uncle of my dad's. Then, a few days ago, word came that my MIL's dad was being life-flighted to the hospital and it didn't look good. He's still here, and doing ok (as far as I know so far), but February was a tough time with the two blows for my parents, and I feel so much for them. I feel for my husband and his family as well.

My mom's dad's passing has brought up a lot of complicated emotions in me. I keep telling myself it was HIM choosing to not be like a grandfather to me; there was nothing wrong with me. Of course, when he goes to my siblings' weddings (the ones that got married) and not mine, it makes me wonder what the hell is so wrong with me . . . . anyway, HE chose to not act as my grandfather. HE chose this. It was about HIM and HIS flaws, not about me. A man can be a coward, despite having served in the Navy during WWII in the Pacific, and in Japan during the Korean War (gee, I bet that last one was dangerous).

My mom is ok with all this talk; I wouldn't disrespect her in her grief; she told me it was ok to type out whatever I wanted here. I may have more, but it's taken me awhile just to get this little bit out.

Not that square watermelons have anything to do with it, but I guess Japan does, kinda . . . ..


Dr. Deb said...

That looks so WEIRD to me. I once saw square eggs. I guess it's funny how we get used to seeing things in certain ways.

Anonymous said...

Sara, I'm sorry for you losses. I know at a time of loss that we can have a lot of unresolved feelings to deal with. All I can say, is your grandpa is the one who missed out! -Barb

Rossweisse said...

I am absolutely fascinated by the stackable fruit!