Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Talk about big mistakes . . .

Actor Crush of the Day: Matthew Fox!

Well, apparently last night when I was setting the alarm for this morning, I must have accidentally set the time an hour ahead. It's 8:15 right now, and 5 minutes ago I realized, after checking various sources for the time, that I dropped Emily off at the school at 7:30, instead of 8:30, like I thought it was. And here I thought I was dropping her off late . . . No wonder she was so tired!


I just left a message at the school, explaining what happened and such. I assume they let her wait until breakfast was ready, because I received no call.

Poor Emily; she has such a scatterbrain for a mother!!!

On another note, yesterday's therapy was really, really great. Dr. Mower and his expertise and kindness are a great gift in my life. Oh yes, and very definitely his Patience, with a capital P . . . .

(Okay, now I have that one song from The Music Man in my head . . . .)

I'm going back to sleep, if I can stop worrying about Emily.

Darn ME.


Anonymous said...

I know a lady who is very educated. I will be sparse on details as I would not want her to be identified too easily. She taught a foreign language for years. She has received prestigious awards at my company. When her son was young, she would be so busy with her young family that she would forget about sending him to kindergarten and he was often tardy. She is a very intelligent woman and her son is brilliant. He turned out great. So relax! Plus, it is not like you will make the same mistake twice.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you had a great therapy session. I think that kindness is such an important ingredient to therapy.

I had gone to the link at Jame's site that I commented on where the woman was had a therapist to tell her to stop making the bed so that she would not go on all day. The therapist or whatever her official title was seemed so cold. I know that they have to use a very forthright approach, but I think that you can tell someone to stop with more kindness rather than sterness. It is like they treat the mentally ill like we committed a crime and we need punished.

My therapist got mad at me that I did not prescribe to her advice of thinking that I was floating when I was having a bad ocd episode. I understand more now that it was meant to be a relaxation technique. However, I feel so guilty when I am in such a moment and to think of floating seemed criminal to me almost. You see, I do not worry about myself, it is the other person that I worry about. I have made the connection that if I relax that my thoughts will not get as imagionative and far-fetched. It is not always easy to get there and people trying to reason with me or telling me just to stop thiking something especially if they are abrupt or mad at me backfires because then I feel more guilty if I do not say something or I get more tense. On the other hand, if they can be patient or have a little humor, we both get through it better.

Don't get me wrong, my therapist was a nice woman and rather interesting. We were not the best match for my progression, however.