Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I have a mean left hook . . . in my SLEEP!

Actor Crush of the Day: Matthew McConaughy (I need some Southern Comfort!)

This last 11 days or so, I've discovered myself on three occasions, throwing a left hook punch in my sleep. I wake up just a tich enough to realize hey WTH am I doing in my sleep? And then go back to sleep all the way.

I've come close to smashing myself pretty bad on the corner of the craft desk set up next to my side of the bed. As well, I suppose I could end up hitting myself in the face or elsewhere, possibly.

It's a good thing I mostly sleep on my right side, or my husband would REALLY get it, but good!


I joked with my ologist that maybe I was practicing Tae-bo in my sleep . . . although I've never done it at all, ever. Tae-bo, that is!

So if I'm ever sleeping at your house, watch out! *BAM*

Oh wait, that's Emeril's line . . . and it now reminds me of that toothpaste he does commercials for!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be careful that sounds potentially painful!!