Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Yippee! My Blogs are back in the Dashboard!

Actor Crush of the Day: Matthew Fox! I'd get Lost with him ANYTIME!

On another note, I recently came across the subject of unconditional positive regard, on the blog Shrink Rap, in these comments. When I read that phrase, I immediately knew it was a major part of what my psychologist does with me, and I started freaking out that what I saw as a really kind and supportive and unconditionally accepting part of our therapeutic relationship, may actually have been something fake, contrived, just a "trick" from the psychology bag o' tricks.

We had a good discussion about it, about which I'll post a bit more later after I've listed to the recording of today's therapy on my mp3 player (I love recording our sessions on this thingie!)

It is GOOD to be back. Although my husband might say, it is better to be FRONT. Hee hee.


Anonymous said...

Therapist should seek to have a comfortable environment that is safe. However, not all are so skilled. I think it is great if you have such a therapist. I had a therapist that was nice, but she seemed mad at me when I balked at her instructions that I was suppose to imagnine I was floating and also the activities should wanted me to do in spite of my fears. After that, we made pretty zero progress. Then, I had to stop seeing her.

annegb said...

Could you send me your address again? I started cleaning out my files last night and accidentally deleted a bunch of files by moving them to the wrong place.

thanks. . .

annegb said...

I'm in love with Denny Doucet on Grey's Anatomy. Oh, man, what a man.

Anonymous said...

I think that I have made some gains recently of not seeking such extrinsic approval from others. There are very amazing and talented peopel in the world. However, when you see them up close and personal, everyone has their flaws. I think that we do need some social approval. But we need a healthy balance. Sometimes we seek friends in people that really do not get us. And you just have to realize that and make new friends. I am glad though when I do meet people that like me and who I also like. :) :)

Steve & Barb said...

You know, it is interesting to see these themes played out in blogs. I see the Comments section as a place where one can gain confirmation or acceptance, or their opposites, for that matter. Blogs are a place to put one's self out there, take a chance, but with less significant (and more ephemeral) consequences than if done in RL.

Sarebear said...

Hey Barb. I'm sorry that your therapist wasn't as accepting and able to keep her own emotions out of it as mine is. That sucks!

And I agree, about learning not to seek approval so much fro people, but this is a HUGE problem for me. Any hint of rejection sends me for a loop. That one is going to take awhile.

Thanks, I like you too!! 8^D

Shoot, I don't watch Grey's Anatomy, I've been curious about it though. ER lost me along time ago. Too gratuitous.

Roy, thanks for reading and visiting my blog! Yeah, it's a way/place of me more safely (in some ways) of putting myself out there, and learning to accept myself. I suppose I could get scathing/negative remarks, but that hasn't happened yet.

It's good to have a reminder that either are a possible result of what I post; that people are liable to react in ways that I may not expect or like; being prepared for this helps me to be less vulnerable to it, and it's something I often forget. Thank you! 8^)

Anonymous said...

We had the best salads tonight! And they were so filling and satisfying. Deep green leaves, grapes, meat, croutons, brocolli, etc, Then, we went to see the red roses in bloom in the yard. Some of them are beautiful long stemmed! I think the largest is called Mr. Lincoln. We also have climing roses. Peonies are looking good now too as well as daisies. It was a good evening. :)