Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Item of the Week: Trendy Owl Rubber Stamp & My Percolating Brain

Click on the title, and do a Search for Savvy Stamps Owl. The stupid website does not give different website address for specific pages on its site, so I can't figure out how to give you a link right to the stamp I'm talking about. Oh, and it's my item of the week 'cause it caught my fancy. Or my casual.

I've seen designer fabrics and other print items featuring mod, and a modernish version of cute, using owls like this all over the place. Normally I'm not into cute, but I like the design and mood and mystery of this owl; what could she be thinking, what could she be up to?

Apparently owls are an up and coming trend, or something. Anyway, as soon as I saw this stamp, I fell in love with it. WHO wouldn't? Hee hee. or rather, hoot hoot!

I had a great session today, but I can FEEL stuff percolating just below the surface; it's like in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, when they feed that data into the computer, and wait while it processes for it to spit out what it comes up with from the info. THAT's what it feels like my mind is doing. I kinda like it when this happens, cause this means, that, say 7 hours down the line, 3 days, whatever, all of a sudden it'll be done and DING! Some kind of realization, or at least something that is meaningful that prompts further introspection, on a more conscious, directed level.

At the same time, it feels rather profound and meaningful, and substantive, as to what and why my subconscious (I'm guessing) is working on. It's cool and yet a bit unsettling, because change is scary, and I know I'm progressing, and processing, and WORKING on stuff, especially when I'm in this "mode". Kinda like a back burner, that occasionally gets some half-conscious stirring.

SO! Another drool-worthy bird-themed stamp, or rather, set of stamps, is THIS one (do a search for Rhonna, and its the Nature set; you can click the photo to enlarge), also at that site. Birds, especially the silhouette version, and also the mod/retro cute version in the set as well, are also all over designers' various prints, in textiles, household goods, stationary, and other things.


Rhonna said...

love me some birds...& owls!

Jo said...

I noticed you left a mention on someone's blog about wanting to learn how to needle felt. There is a very nice online store here in Utah called: www.warmthreads.com and also a store in Sandy (72 and Redwood) called Three Wishes that both have nice stuff. Good luck, because I am addicted!