I'm still here, though, but it's taking all my effort just to hold on; not really gaining any ground these last few months, in therapy either. I wonder if that frustrates my therapist . . .
He did ask me a question out of the blue last Tuesday that seemed to want to try to address the overwhelming sadness and lack of well it's hard to put words to . . .
Anyway, I'm having a REALLY HARD TIME since about September; there's been HUGE changes and events going on, and I feel like I'm being tumbled, washing-machine-like, in the downward pressure at the bottom of a waterfall or heavy rapids, like sometimes happens.
On a completely different note, I'm going to attempt an easy recipe from scratch, altho it really needs quick-rise yeast and all I have is regular active dry. I'll punch it and let it rest s'more, like double or triple (the recipe says just 10 mins, it's kind of a batter dough, so I'm really not sure how to adjust, aside from dissolving this active dry yeast in 105-115 liquid first, before mixing w/ingredients and lengthening the rest. Not sure there'll be much to "punch" either . . .)
I saw, in an ad in the Quick & Simple $1.59 magazine that I've recently discovered in the checkout aisles at the grocery store, an ad for www.fleischmanns1dish.com.
The ad had one of the recipes. I went there and liked what i saw, easy and simple batter-type doughs, extremely sticky and such, with things placed atop after the resting period. I'm going to try the 1-Dish Chicken Enchilada, as I have some pre-cooked chicken cut-up in the freezer.
It IS a good sign of fighting the depression on the rare occasions when I cook anymore; heck, just heating something in the microwave is a victory and an outof-the-ordinary occurrence. So this one is WAY unusual, of late, especially in recent months.
Guess we'll see how it turns out.
Oh hey, another cooking site I just discovered, that is SIMPLE, and practical, is The Practical Pantry.com
Yipee I put it in the oven 10 mins ago. This recipe didn't need any resting, apparently, although it got some. Since the batter will be reminiscent, although not exactly like, a corn tortilla.
I got the temp of the milk right and everything, was fun to see the yeast start to work, although my anxieties made me wash my hands various times to make sure I don't get a yeast infection. Once after handling yeast should do it, or so I've read, anyway.
And after handling the egg (I had undiagnosed but very obviously horrid salmonella once, just from HANDLING the eggs, even tho I washed my hands thoroughly afterwards).
Oh, I also started it in a hot oven, the directions said a cold one but since this yeast isn't as fast, I changed that.
I do not know if the rise speed of yeast between the two kinds is different in both the oven, and in pre-baking rising, or just in the rising before baking, I guess we'll see.
I didn't have any salsa (Betty! We're gonna grab some of yours that you put up, if that's ok!, so I used half a can of enchilada sauce I've had around.
I mixed cheddar and parm for it, too.
Sometimes I get so rigid into thinking things need to be a certain way, but sometimes, I can bust out of that and substitute like there's no tomorrow . . .
Like you CARE about all this, but . . .my world shrinks to tackling tasks like this, when, for a non-ill person it'd probably be the equivalent of some multistep, complicated task on the job, or something.
Sara (hey, my verify is (hbxwify)
x's and o's are hugs and kisses, so this is hubby hugs wify. Hee hee.
ohmygosh it smells DIVINE! Just beeped . . .
I was just about to go to bed, but I decided to see if there was a new post up here as there was not when I checked earlier tonight.
Your washing machine metaphor reminds me of one that I felt applied to my life at one time. My dad has this machine that shakes paint rapidly. That was how I felt at one time-all shook up! I really have leveled out a lot.
Punching bread is a great way to let out frustrations. Knowing how hard it can be to do little things from experience, I think it great that you are experimenting in the culinary world. Did I ever mention that I love enchillidas? Yummy!
How are you doing?
I went to the links today and see some great recipees. I don't cook as of now. However, I think I will send links to friends!
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