Friday, December 16, 2005

I had a GREAT iatrist session today!

Actor Crush of the Day: More Matthew Fox

I brought up some issues with him. And it went well. He was, as usual, his VERY direct self. But he apologized, at least, in his own way, for what I felt was ridicule and belittling of my relating to him during our last phone conversation in early November, some side effects I was experiencing. Doctors are people too, and they have bad days, and get irritable, just like anyone else. That is kind of what I figured had happened, lately, although I was hurt for a long time by it.

I thought it was very . . . good of him to admit that he got that way. So I have newfound respect for him; he isn't quite as arrogant as I had thought, if he could discuss the things with me that we discussed today.

So. I'm still here and kickin'. I kind of mentally girded myself up, and put on my mental boxing gloves for today's appointment, and am glad that it went well.

YIPPPEEEEEEE. One less thing to worry about.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled melancholy. Same bat time, same batty channel.


Anonymous said...

That is great that he was willing to be open about the fact that he is human too. I know that I have to remind myself that about past therapists too.

LizzieDaisy said...

She's such a cutie! Love the glasses...

And yeah, it does help when they tell you about their own experiences. Dan is that way. Helps me relate to him better.