Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Therapy Tuesday

Actor Crush of the Day: Ewan McGregor

I had a decent ologist appointment.

I told him he was stupid. I know he's not, but when I have these feelings of anger come up about him or something he did or said, I need to tell him. It's hard pushing through the social convention of "being nice" to do that, but telling him he's stupid actually tells him more about what's going on with me, than "being nice" does. Lol . . .

He's not stupid, though. But at least I know there's somewhere I can go and talk to someone I can call stupid all I want, and he won't get mad at me and he'll still like me. 8^D The joys of the therapeutic relationship.

I really like my ologist. He's very easy-going, mild, laid back, easy to talk to, a great listener, and very supportive.

Now, we leave in 10 minutes for the Bad Cop psychiatrist, in my Good Cop/Bad Cop of mental health care combo.

Here's hoping I'm in one piece when he's through with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was funny reading this second. It sounds like an awesome session with both the "good cop" and the "bad cop". :)