Friday, June 09, 2006

I LOVE my psychologist!

Actor Crush of the Day: Sean Connery, yum!

I'm not IN love with him, I just LOVE him! He's sooooo good. Therapy was SOOOOOoooooo good today. Possibly because I was kind of left hanging after Tuesday, because sometimes you just HAVE to stop in the middle of something even if it's going to cause difficulties to do so, because of time constraints.

Anyway, so I'm loving therapy this week, even though I worked on stuff I didn't and don't "WANT" to, I know it's beneficial to me to. It sucks, hurting so bad, though.

Yay for therapy! Yay for a kind and good, gentle, knowledgeable, helpful, willing to explore anything I bring to the table, and sometimes adding in insights and things that I'm like, OH! That REALLY makes sense out of something I thought was nonsensible. It helps me get a different angle, grip, perspective on some troublesome things.

Anyway, he's kind and friendly and helpful and supportive and accepting and stuff. So thanks, Dr. Mower!


Anonymous said...

Great news! :)

Stephen said...


Sarebear said...

Messy! Er, wait, you can't see my apt.!

HP said...

It's excellent that you have found a good fit! Most important :)