Friday, June 23, 2006

Guess we'll see on Monday!

Okay, I just screwed my courage to the sticking place, again, and called back.

I got the same lady on the phone . . . I had thought about altering my voice a little, as I was so scared she'd recognize me and treat me the same way.

Anyway, I just asked point blank, "May I speak with Ms. Church?", and she replied that Ms. Church was, I think, speaking at some function or out at something or other, I forget, but something official, and that she'd be back Monday.

I then asked to leave a message for her, and she said okay, so I left my name and phone number, and she asked of Ms. Church would know what my call was regarding. This gave me pause, because I didn't want to get into the whole beaurocratic rigamarole again, so I came up with saying no, but that it was okay. She then asked me if Ms. Church's assistant could help me (I'm assuming she was referring either to the second-in-command, the deputy director maybe? or one of the division heads again . . .), but I said no, thank you. She then said something in the middle of this again about Ms. Church not knowing what it was about? I replied with, the Governor sent me, and she seemed to accept that, without liking it.

Yippee, I am proud of myself! I thought through what I would say, at least as far as I could, and got courageous again. I was ALSO rather assertive, even though I was scared. AND I thought on my feet (okay, I was sitting, so I thought on my bum), when we were a little into the conversation and past how far I had been able to think it through . . . . and I didn't CAVE!

So, she said she'd call me back Monday. I hope I don't get shoved around to a division head again. I'm sure they are very capable people, but the Governor REALLY wanted me to talk to Ms. Church. If I do get shuffled, I will politely decline and say that I will leave a message with the Governor's office about helping me get in contact with Ms. Church.

I'm not trying to be difficult, and I know my fears are interfering with me being willing to talk to other people on this, but in this case, I am thinking that may be a GOOD thing. The Governor knows these departments, and wanted me to go straight to the top (I just checked, she IS the head of the Department of Human Services for Utah.) He was very kindly emphatic about that. So, I am also wondering if the other people would just "listen" and then just "forget" about it after I talk with them. Maybe not, but, especially considering my fears, I'd rather do this just once.

So yay for me and my courage. I feel like Don Quixote, with my lance at the ready, except I'm not tilting at windmills . . . . I'm pushing for some action and stuff on the issues at hand.

After reading the purpose of the Dept. of Human Services, and specifically going to the Mental Health page, and who receives priority treatment, it seems as though I should have been one to receive priority for treatment. Except that tricky funding issue . . . .

Anyway, I sort of look forward to talking with Lisa on Monday. I am rather terrified, though. I hope SHE doesn't try to fob me off, but I'll reiterate the Governor's desire for me to speak with her. I hope she's open to listening, as he wanted me to repeat to her EXACTLY what I told him. That's exactly how he put it.

Anyway, more news to report to y'all on Monday, I hope!


Unknown said...

I just read these posts all the way from the radio conversation. I just HAD to, as I seem to be going through a situation right now, with a friend whom I suspect is Bipolar, but won't get help.

I found you incredibly well spoken, intelligent, and knowledgeable. I truly liked reading these last posts of yours, as they offered me some insight on this issue.

I sincerely hope that this whole venture will work out for you. I know about fundings and such. My husband and I (salaries combined) are considered to 'wealthy' for certain covered services, however, we're living paycheck to paycheck, barely making ends meet, in this world of rapidly increasing costs of living, and frozen salaries....


Anonymous said...

It's great that you called back to speak to MS. Church rather than someone else. What would you do if you disquised your voice and the woman answering said, "You sound like the lady who called the other day with a cold." I am a very shy person when it comes to things like this. You have shown such courage! You have a lot of people cheering you on!!

Stephen said...

Sure wish you well, and I'm glad you are blogging on this. Keep us all posted.

annegb said...

I think that is so cool, "the governor sent me." Way to go. I'll pray for you tomorrow. You go, girl.

I finally came up with a starting sentence to my complaint letter. It was out of the blue.

Lisa M. said...

She is a neat lady. I think your conversation should go well.