Thursday, October 19, 2006

I feel ill, and dizzy, and floaty, and loopy . . .

I'm trying not to get worked up about the lawyer tomorrow.

As I've learned from Stephen, of Ethesis, some lawyers don't bite (and mine seems to be nice but it's been a year and a half since I met with him).

But the thing is, my subconscious doesn't seem to be listening.

Nausea, a rolling/moving/vertiginous (is that the right word?) sensation, I've had a floaty/out of it kinda pleasant sensation going too.

Oh yeah, several nightmares early this am, and then this afternoon, where I talk and shout every couple of minutes (it kept my hubby up.) Accompanied by a pleasant floaty/out of it/kind of what I imagine being a little high or buzzed might feel like, not that I've ever really wondered.

Course, the fact that I took my meds late today may be the culprit. I hope that's all, altho I take my meds late from time to time when I forget them, and I don't have all this going on.

I guess we'll SEE what we shall see.

Smallville was good, but I REALLY think what they had Lana doing was way out of character for her. Is she going to subsume who she is to be with Lex? Cause the thought of doing anything like she did tonight, for Clark, when she was with him, would've had her all riled at him about smothering her and her identity, even if he had no clue what she felt she needed to do for him . . . .

That hyper-criticalness of Clark, when she wouldn't be of anyone else, is the main thing that drives me nuts about her. I'm rooting for him and Chloe; Jimmy is just a make-out pal.

Although I suspect, as part of the "character-forming of the eventual Superman" aspect of this series, that Chloe is going to have to DIE to protect his secret. And that she will have to make a choice, knowing that death will be the result of her protecting Clark. Anyway, that's my suspicion. Still, I hope they can find some happiness together before that, but I suspect the writers will never let that happen . . . cause the drama of her dying to protect him means alot more 1f she's doing it for a friend, and not a lover. I mean, it's almost taken for granted that one would go to that length for your romantic partner, but somewhat less so for friends.

Anyway. Geez, I sure rambled from my original point, lol.


Dr. Deb said...

My hubby is a lawyer and he bites sometimes. It's the nature of the business sometimes. But underneath, he is a good guy. I hope things go well for you there.

Sarebear said...

Yeah, I've got a few bite marks.

Anonymous said...

Professional people or in authority tend to make me nervous though. I have such a legal mind though, which I must have inherited from my dad who went to law school for two years. I'm all about logic and debate sometimes.

I have known some fine people that are lawyers so I know it is possible. :)

Anonymous said...

I have never been drunk either to my knowledge. (I am a convert but only had a sip of alchohol here and there in my youth or a small shot glass of peach snops).

I have had times when I feel a natural buzz with my brain bouncing around like a ping pong ball. That feels good! Or there have been a few times when I was a little loopy due to lack of sleep that I was a little hyper and giddy.