Monday, August 08, 2005

Greetings, Programs!

Um, Becky, or somebody, Help! Not sure what I'm doing but figured I'd start a blog but with my illnesses I was concerned I'd piss people off with what I might post sometimes with what it's like to be Bipolar, GAD, SAD, and probably OCD. Specifically, family, if I post about my worries, fears, concerns, angers, etc, that are influenced and/or even caused by the brain disorders I suffer from, as listed in the previous sentence. But, I guess we'll see.

So here is a poem I wrote in 1993, long before I knew it was anything other than depression. It describes what it is like to have these things, and pleads for the kind of help and kindness and care from friends and family that I need.

hear me
Do you hear my silent cries?
Are you listening for them?
Do you see the emptiness inside
where anger howls and batters away
inside me where pain is all
and frustration threatens to drown
all that I am and drain me away?
Do you see my dread to reveal too much
of who I am lest you recoil
from my ugliness that I fear
you will see inside me?
Please see some spark in me worth saving,
that I might have an anchor
in the midst of a churning,
storm-tossed sea, helpless
against the onslaught of fear
that looms and threatens to devour
my identity and my choices
of who I want to be.
As I try to withstand the
hurricane-force winds that shatter,
and scatter the shards of my
pain-wracked soul beyond my
trembling reach, please hear my
silent, desperate plea for succor
in my time of need and hopeless hoping
that perhaps someone may
nurture my anguished spirit and
hold my fragile heart in careful,
tender hands, with much Love and
Patience to endure me through
my trials and rejoice with me
as I discover precious eternal
- Copyright 1993 Sara J.P.(F.), July


Anonymous said...

WOW! Sara, having felt the same way myself, only I called it "hinges of My Soul", I am impressed at the way you express yourself. I am glad that once having poured out your feelings on paper, you are now able to pour out your feelings to your friends and family . . . Be patient with us. We all have a steep learning curve here, and some of us will run up the curve to reach the top, and others of us will move a lot slower, but we will all get to the same place eventually . . .

Sarebear said...

Thanks, Mom. Your poem did, indeed, sound very familiar.