Wednesday, September 07, 2005

100 Things You Really Must Know About Me

Actor Crush of the Day: William Shatner, . . . Original . . . . . Star Trek . . . . .TV . . . . era

100 things you really must know about me

0.5 I AM MANIC RIGHT NOW. Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. Thank you.

1. I fantasize alot.
2. I love superheroes.
3. I fantasize alot about superheroes.
4. I love Wonder Woman.
5. I love Marvin the Martian. I admire his spunk.
6. Right now I am eating for dinner a can of pear halves, and a crushed cooked chicken ramen.
7. I just realized I have a Take 5 candy bar hidden about the place and it isn't going to be here 30 seconds from now. (Thanks honey!)
8. I am very impulsive.
9. I like Barbies, especially their clothes, and have been known to enjoy dressing them.
10. I just started beading, and I love it! Of course, it fits in with OCD very nicely . . .
11. My husband is getting tired of picking up all the beads that somehow make their way into nooks and crannies of the living room all by themselves.
12. If I could choose a profession in addition to Motherhood, I'd perhaps pick planetary geologist.
13. Or Marine Mammal Neurologist/Dolphin Communications Researcher.
14. Except I am squeamish about innards, and could not complete the biological studies necessary to achieve #13.
15. I get silly, frequently. Get used to it.
16. I love cheese.
17. I am lactose intolerant.
18. Strawberries are the food of the gods.
19. In recent months I once lived for a whole week on mostly banana splits that my husband fixed for me. The psychologist actually said that was a good idea, because it was better than the alternative.
20. Now you know why I like my psychologist. (Do not take living on banana splits as official medical advice; my experiences are purely my own, and anecdotal. Did I mention I have anxiety disorders? It's showing . . . .)
21. Microwave popcorn. I live on it sometimes, because it's cheap and quick.
22. I'm nuts about dolphins.
23. I have never swam (or is it swum?) with dolphins.
24. I have never touched a real dolphin.
25. Why couldn't Superman go for Wonder Woman, rather than Lois Lane? It'd save him all that time he spends rescuing Lois. WW can take care of herself.
26. I used to think The Princess Bride was the stupidest movie ever, until I watched it the third time.
27. And, until I watched Space Balls for the first time while dating my future husband.
28. Sorry, Honey.
29. It is funny though. Especially since the capitalized phrase, Space Balls, makes me think of something entirely different than the Star Wars spoof-movie.
30. I know your mind just went there.
31. Apparently, I'm also a mind-reader. OOOO I have special powers.
32. I have never seen the movie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which, I've been told, in some circles, is a sacrilege!
33. Given my past experiences with, ahem, low-ball humor movies (did your mind just go THERE again?), I am not quite sure about it's prospects in my future. Then again, if I can learn to appreciate even a few things from Space Balls, the Holy Grail may not be out of reach after all . . .
34. And thus, I solve the mysteries of the ages, and discover the Holy Grail! Um, wait, did I mention that my imagination runs away with me sometimes? As does my humor . . .
35. Puns. Learn to like them. They are in my blood.
36. When composing the text for my wedding invitations with my future in-laws, somehow the term "pith helmet" came up. I guess we were trying to be pithy. We then wondered what a pith helmet was.
37. I deftly impressed my future in-laws with my wit when I burst forth with, "It's a helmet you pith in?"
38. I'd be Wonder Woman for Halloween, but a 280 pound white gal (when I say white, I mean my legs are whiter than the innards of a McDonald's Fish Fillet Sandwich) dressed in that number is an image to be frightened of.
39. *see note
40. *see note
41. A star-spangled knee-length skirt, paired with a red short sleeve golden eagle embellished top, a golden belt and rope, and a blue cape with white stars around the edges, as well as the golden tiara with red star, has been an alternative outfit I have considered. For Halloween.
42. Have I mentioned I am currently undergoing psychological and psychiatric treatment?
43. I am bipolar. I am Sarebear. I am white.
44. I do not live at the north pole.
45. I have social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and a partridge in a pear tree.
46. Well, no, on that last, but it sounded good, didn't it?
47. I have OCD.
48. I have OCD.
49. I have OCD.
50. Things go well in threes, do they not?
51. Just joshing you (about the threes, not OCD.) Thought I could wring some filler material out of it to get this list over with quicker.
52. I have OCD . . .
53. Shoot, they're on to me. Pay no attention to that manic person behind the curtain . . . .
54. I love disaster fiction novels. Apocalyptic, post-nuclear, earthquake, whatever. Although they better not do more than just mention sex, which eleminates most of them.
55. I love disaster movies too.
56. I have the same first and last initials as my husband, and my middle name rhymes with his.
57. I got terribly, horrifyingly lost at Opryland when I was 11. (I've heard it's closed now?)
58. I've been beat up twice.
59. I've been whipped, literally whipped, with one of those jumpropes with the tubular plastic things over it to keep it from fraying from repeatedly hitting the ground. Those hurt, man! So maybe it was 3 beatings.
60. That Take 5 candy bar DID last more than 30 seconds. I forgot about it until the next day, which is when I'm typing from 54 and on.
61. I have been to Canada.
62. I used to dream in French.
63. I love Astronomy and all the philosophical stuff that one can think about the universe and aliens and astronomical physics and stuff.
64. I do not own a telescope. But wish I did.
65. I've never had my hair professionally colored.
66. I don't wear makeup, and don't really know how.
67. And I'm 33.
68. My sneakers are a year and a half old.
69. I love Gregory Peck.
70. War of the Worlds (Tom Cruise version) left me cold. Not because it was a disaster movie, but in the end it seems humans have nothing to do with overcoming the protagonist. So you are left with a sense of incompleteness, and un-satisfaction, if that's a word. As well, I expected better of Spielberg/Cruise, even though the effects were spectacular. (It's an old and famous book, I figure those who were worried about spoilers have either seen it or read it by now.)
71. On the other hand, I hold a low opinion of Cruise's views on psychology/psychiatry.
72. I met my husband on a local dial-up BBS. No, that's not the internet.
73. I get frustrated easily, and am frustrated about that.
74. Actually I have been beaten by someone else, but that's as far as I'll say.
75. My right knee hurts alot. Sometimes so much I can't put any weight even on my toes.
76. I may seem picky on some things, but it's the way my brain deals with overwhelming options, and multiple anxieties. Basically, I can't help it.
77. I talk too much. I can't stop. I've tried for 3 decades. Being told to shut up hurts deeply, or anything like it.
78. I can't take rejection. Yeah, that's my problem. Or anything that even vaguely seems like it.
79. Hmm apparently, from #54 on, I'm no longer manic . . lol.
80. More later.
*NOTE: For those wondering about #'s 39 and 40, each was a picture of one of my legs. Told you they were white . . .


Anonymous said...

Mom also says, can't wait to see the rest of the list! . . .

Holly said...

This is a good idea for a post. It makes you think of all the wonderful qualities that you have about yourself. It makes me wonder if I could come up with 100 things about myself.

LizzieDaisy said...

I enjoyed doing my list and don't apologize for anything in it.

Hate rejection (who doesn't, but I totally overreact), and beading for OCD... yeah!! Sorting is the best!

Rapid cycler? Moi aussi. :)

Sarebear said...

Yes, although they haven't officially told me which type yet. I asked a couple times about when they would, and they noted it, but the psychiatrist was out to lunch the whole summer, so I guess the ologist wants to wait til he's back. Which is Monday I'll be seeing him.

But yeah i go up and down multiple times a day, often, sometimes it spans longer, but yeah that's a rapid cycler. I wish there'd be some implied athletic benefit to it, it SOUNDS like exercise anyway. hee