Saturday, September 03, 2005

Chill Fog of Depression

Actor Crush of the Day: Denzel Washington

Very depressed. The grey blah-ness blankets everything like a chill fog, smothering any bits of brightness or interest in the landscape of my life.

The lead-weight of lethargy has settled in with the fog, feeling as though I am Jacob Marley from the Christmas Carol; encumbered by chains wrapped around me that no one else can see, the weight of which saps every joy and motivation from my being. Any spark of enthusiasm or direction quickly gutters out within the chill of this damp, pervasive fog.

The purposeless emptiness and listlessness of untethered emotional wandering within the bleakness of surrounding sameness saps the energy and vibrancy from my soul.

Incalculable exhaustion of the heart precedes and follows most every person, thing and event which happens to enter by misfortune the scattered and shattered focus of my fog-bound existence.

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