Monday, June 26, 2006

Well, She Didn't Call Today . . .

Partly relieved, but mostly peeved and nervous and discouraged.

It is 5:40, so office hours are pretty much over . . . .

I will call her tomorrow morning. If I can't get through, I am not sure whether I should write her a letter, or leave the Governor a phone message . . . maybe I could email him, if there's something set up for that. Part of me feels that that last option would have the best chance of getting through to him, because whatever office person screens the email from the public to him, would possibly think, "Oh! She talked to him on the radio, and can't get a response from the person he told her to call . . . I'd better let him know." See, I figure he'd want to know, at least, from the way he was with me, it seemed like he would . . .

I think, rather than write to Ms. Church, if she doesn't call back tomorrow, after I call her and/or leave a message, I'll call or email the Governor on Wednesday.

It isn't that my issue is such a pressing issue, but now it's more about the process and following through; not letting the bureacracy discourage me or keep me from being heard. It's important to push through this process, I think, even if I'm thinking my issue isn't all THAT, because to let the process defeat me would be . . . a defeat.

So, onward, I guess. And possibly upward . . . lol!!


Anonymous said...

I would give it a little time as in about a week and then try to call Ms. Church back. I think writing her would be the next step if she does not return your call. And the government is of the people and for the people. If they are going to speak for us and legislate for us, they do need our input. And you are the woman for the job!!!

annegb said...

Better than e-mail, send your letter certified mail with a return receipt requested. That always gets somebody's attention.

I'd call the governor first, though, you won't get him, you will get an aide. If you can engage and win over the aide, that's at least half the battle.

Good luck, I'm sort of not up to this quite yet.

Lisa M. said...

I was wondering how it went? If you have had any response? There are a lot of really neat places and avenues to get your message heard.

One place is the Legislature. Be sure you talk to your local representitives. Especially if they are on the appropriations committe.